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SuperLotto 6/49 2.1
Dev Buzz Team
Everyone can win in PSCO SuperLotto –youcan win too!• Do you dream of buying a new house, going on vacationswithfriends?• Have you ever wondered why is so hard to win a jackpot?• Why random numbers never bring luck?• Why your neighbour has the same numbers as you?Our app allows you to get answers for those questions.Moreoveryou will be able to play with other users in a way thateveryonewill have his unique numbers.Before every draw we generate ALL the possible combinationsandevery user can get his own, unique,random,free combination. If many players bet and allcombinationsare assigned we can be 100% sure that someoneWINS. Thisperson can be YOU! So what are you waitingfor?Motivation for this appAs you know choosing winning lottery numbers is not an easything.For sure because there are lots of combinations andthusprobability is low. But what is more important is thataccording tosome mathematicians there is high probability that twopeople willhave the same numbers - given 11.384 players we can saywith 99% ofprobability that any two of the will have exactly thesame numbers![this is similar to the birthday paradox]The lottery companies make huge amount of money becausepeoplechoose the same numbers [some even say that they can onpurposedraw combination which is never chosen]. This app generatesallcombinations and lets anyone get his own unique combinations.Ifmany people will use it - someone will hopefully win - this maybeyou - feel free to join lottery winners.How to use it►first screen draws random combinations [the plus signbutton]►second screen allows checking if combination is already taken-please mark 6 numbers and press the search button►third screen shows statistics and the next draw dateFeel free to spread the word using Facebook, TwitterorSkype. Let other know that you can cooperate to trydifferentcombinations.We have received positive review from users from QuezonCity,Cebu City, Manila, Makati.Note:Please remember this app does not bet for you. It onlyassignsrandom, unique, free combinations. It is up to you to buy aticketor not.Good luck!
Dupla Sena 2.1
Dev Buzz Team
Todo mundo pode ganhar – Porque você nãotentatambém?• Você já pensou alguma vez porque é tão difícil ganhar naDuplaSena?• Por que se você escolhe os números aleatoriamentenãoacerta?• Por que seu vizinho tem os mesmos números que você?Nossa aplicação permite que você responda a estas preguntas.Alémdisso, você será capaz de jogar com outros jogadores, demaneira quecada um tenha suas próprias combinações únicas.Antes de cada sorteio geramos TODAS as combinações ecadausuário pode obter seus números ÚNICOS. Se muitaspessoasjogarem, ou seja, se todas as combinações estão no jogo,comcerteza alguém GANHARÁ. E você poderá ser um vencedor!Nãoperca tempo!Motivação para este appComo você sabe, ganhar na loteria não é uma coisa fácil. Comcertezaporque há muitas combinações e, portanto, a probabilidade ébaixa.Mas o que é mais importante é que de acordo com algunsmatemáticoshá grande probabilidade de que duas pessoas terão osmesmos números- com 11.384 jogadores podemos dizer com 99% deprobabilidade quedois deles quaisquer terão exatamente os mesmosnúmeros!As empresas de loteria ganham uma quantidade enorme dedinheiroporque as pessoas escolhem os mesmos números [alguns atédizem queeles podem de propósito sortear a combinação que nuncaéescolhida]. Este app gera todas as combinações e permitequequalquer um obtenha as suas próprias combinações únicas. Semuitaspessoas usarem-no - com sorte alguém irá ganhar.Como usá-lo►a primeira tela escolhe combinações aleatórias [o botão do sinaldemais]►a segunda tela permite verificar se a combinação já foi usada -porfavor, digite seis números e pressione o botão depesquisa►a terceira tela mostra as estatísticas.Sinta-se livre para espalhar esta app usando Facebook,Twitter,Instagram, Skype, Snapchat, Viber, Tumblr, Timehop,Pinterest.Temos recebido boas críticas de usuários do São Paulo, RiodeJaneiro, Brasília, Porto Alegre, Salvador, BeloHorizonte,Campinas, Quezon City, Cebu City, Manila, Makati,Caloocan, Pasig,Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla, Zaragoza,Bilbao, Málaga,Tenerife, Gran Canaria.Boa sorte!P.S.1 Lembre-se que o aplicativo não pode apostar por você.Somentefaz combinações únicas, você pode decidir o que fazer comseusnúmeros.Everybody can win - Whydonot you try too?& # 8226; & # 8195; You ever thought why it issodifficult to win the Double Sena?& # 8226; & # 8195; Why do you choose the numbersrandomlymisses?& # 8226; & # 8195; Why your neighbor has the samenumbersyou?Our application allows you to answer these preguntas.Inaddition, you can play with other players, so that each has itsownunique combinations.Before each draw generate ALL combinations and each user cangettheir numbers ONLY . If many people play, that is, ifallcombinations are in the game, surely someone WIN . And you couldbea winner! Do not waste time!Motivation for this appAs you know, winning the lottery is not an easy thing.Surelybecause there are many combinations and therefore theprobabilityis low. But what is more important is that according tosomemathematical there is high probability that two people willhavethe same numbers - with 11,384 players can say with 99%probabilitythat any two of them have exactly the samenumbers!Lottery companies earn a huge amount of money becausepeoplechoose the same numbers [some even say they can purposelygivingaway the combination that is never chosen]. This appgenerates allcombinations and allows anyone to get their ownuniquecombinations. If many people use it - hopefully someonewillwin.How to use it►a first screen choose random combinations [the signalbuttonmore]►a second screen allows you to check whether the combinationhasbeen used - please enter six figures and press thesearchbutton►a third screen shows statistics.Feel free to spread this app using Facebook,Twitter,Instagram, Skype, Snapchat, Viber, Tumblr,Timehop,Pinterest.We have received good reviews from users of Sao Paulo, RiodeJaneiro, Brasilia, Porto Alegre, Salvador, BeloHorizonte,Campinas, Quezon City, Cebu City, Manila, Makati,Caloocan, Pasig,Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Sevilla, Zaragoza,Bilbao, Malaga,Tenerife, Gran Canaria.Good luck!PS1 Remember that the application can not bet for you. It onlymakesunique combinations, you can decide what to do withtheirnumbers.
Rachunek sumienia 1.1
Dev Buzz Team
Applications helpful in preparing for the sacrament of confession.
Gospel - Evangelium 10.2
Dev Buzz Team
Daily Gospel just for you! Also beautiful prayers like Jesus, youtake over!